Above computation is based on assumption you start to save early at age 25 until 55 every month without withdrawing the savings and interests earned (compounding).
From the figures you can see that what you get at end of day is determined by.
1. Based on how much you save and not how much you earn.
-Some people are unable to save even though they earn high salaries.
2. Based on how much rate of returns your savings can achieve.
-As can be seen from the compounding computations. A $200 savings per month in different investment portfolio will reach different figures at end of day.
The norm is that for saving in bank FD gives ROR of 3% and this will make your saving reaching $116,547 when we reach 55. EPF is on average of 5%, $166,547 and unit trust range from 7% to 10%, $452,098 return (unguaranteed, over a very long-term period)
-There is no straight forward answer as to which investment will get you the return at greater than 5% as all investments carried risks and non guaranteed.
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